Yoga For Men: Your Not-So Secret Weapon | Yoga 15

Abi Carver
8 min readFeb 10, 2020

More than half of my students are men, which is counterintuitive in a discipline dominated by women. There are two main reasons for this. Firstly, when I designed the original 115 Yoga 15 videos, my then boyfriend, a keen mountain biker, was my test subject for each and every sequence. And secondly, because I had my first success with an article I wrote for Pink Bike-a primarily male community and website. Subsequent projects with The Sufferfest, Crankworx, The Inertia, Roman Fitness Systems, RSNG and others followed on from there.

Also, I don’t really enjoy yoga classes as they are commonly taught. I like a bit of spirituality but not too much, I appreciate the benefits of constant variety which is difficult to achieve as a class teacher, I’m much more interested in the fundamentals than I am in the fancy stuff, I like my sessions to be the most efficient and effective use of my time possible and I value teachers with over a decade of experience. I, therefore, feel a kinship with anyone marginalised by the current yoga scene.

To address the elephant in the room, clearly I don’t look like many of the men who practice my videos. I am, for the most part, smaller and more flexible. And that’s ok. Yoga isn’t about imitating shapes. It’s about understanding the objectives of each pose and finding a way to achieve those objectives in your



Abi Carver

Creator of YOGA 15, Yoga for Athletic Performance and Recovery.